How to pass GCSE Maths in 2024 and get those grades 7-9

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How to pass GCSE Maths in 2024 and get those grades 7-9

Administration / 9 Sep, 2023

Our Top 5 Tips on how to pass GCSE Maths in 2024:

1. Goal Settings:
Set realistic goals for 2024. Aiming for top marks in GCSE Maths is a great goal to have, but it’s important to set realistic goals that you can actually achieve. It’s also helpful to set short-term goals such as completing a certain number of practice questions per week or studying for a certain amount of time each day.

2. Past paper Questions

Set realistic goals for 2024. Aiming for top marks in GCSE Maths is a great goal to have, but it’s important to set realistic goals that you can actually achieve. It’s also helpful to set short-term goals such as completing a certain number of practice questions per week or studying for a certain amount of time each day.

3. Practice, Practice, and ?

Practise, practise, practise. There is no substitute for practice when it comes to achieving the best grades in GCSE Maths in 2024, so find a range of practice questions and work your way through them. Also, make sure you time yourself and challenge yourself with difficult questions.

4. Getting help:

Seek help when needed, so don’t be afraid to ask for help if you’re struggling with any topics. There are lots of online resources available, or you can ask your tutor for additional help. Our tutors are accessible outside of lessons so whether it’s right after your lesson or 2 days before your big exam, they’ve got you covered!

5. Focus and motivation:

Stay focused and motivated, because achieving top grades in GCSE Maths requires hard work and dedication. Set yourself rewards for completing tasks, and remind yourself why you’re working hard (e.g. a place in your dream university or boosting your chances of becoming a doctorlawyer, etc).

There are various revision techniques to deploy in order to pass GCSE Maths and often the best revision methods for 2024 are the ones you hear all the time, but students don’t always utilise them properly.

GCSE Maths Revision Websites:

1) Corbettmaths 5 a day

2) Studdle Free GCSE Exam Papers

3) PhysicsandMathsTutor

4) Mathsgenie

What happens if you fail?

In 2020 and 2021, GCSE exams were cancelled and final grades were based on teachers’ assessments and/or predictions. Therefore, not that many students failed their GCSE Maths.

As things are returning to normality, exams are taking place in person and in some circumstance, students may fail. There are many reasons for failing GCSE Maths, but some common reasons include ineffective studying techniques and lack of focus. It is paramount to identify the reasons for failing an exam in order to reflect and avoid it in future.

Consequences of failing GCSE Maths?

The consequences of failing your GCSE Maths depends on your circumstances and the specific requirements of your school and/or sixthform or college you’re wishing to apply to. Sometimes, failing your Maths exams may mean that you need to resit the GCSE Maths papers in order to progress to further education or apprenticeship. It is important to speak with your school or a career counsellor to ensure that you’re well informed of your choices.

Can I resit my GCSE Maths if I fail?

Retaking GCSE Maths is an option if you fail them, however in most instances, you will be required to wait until the next exam sitting period to retake the exams, while in other cases you may be able to retake them sooner. The availability of these exams will vary depending on which exam board you’re sitting your exams with, such as AQA or Pearson Edexcel.