What is the 11+ exam?

Parent Blogs

What is the 11+ exam?

Administration / 9 Sep, 2023


The 11+ exam is an entrance exam used by selective secondary schools in the United Kingdom to select students for admission. It is usually taken by children in year 6 of primary school and tests a range of skills including mathematics, English, verbal and non-verbal reasoning.

How to choose the Right School?

1. Research:

Research different grammar schools in your local area and decide which one best fits your educational requirements.

2. Location:

Consider how far away the school is from your home and how accessible it is by public transport.

3. Visit:

Visit the schools at open days and get a feel for the atmosphere. Talk to the staff and students and get an insight into the school culture.

4. Admissions process:

Understand the admissions process and the criteria used to select students. You can ask more about it at open days and students who already have gone through the process!

5. Extra Help:

If the school requires an entrance exam, be sure to practice and prepare for the test. A tutor with a track record of securing places in competitive Grammar Schools can really boost your chances. Our tutors have helped students get into Manchester Grammar, King Edwards VI, City of London School, Dulwich College and more!

6. Apply:

Submit your application and all necessary documents in a timely manner.

When should you start preparing for the 11+?

It is recommended to start preparing for the 11+ exam around 12 – 18 months before the exam date. This gives you enough time to familiarise yourself with the structure of the tests, practice and become familiar with the types of questions asked. You should also aim to attend tutoring sessions, if available, to learn how to answer the questions effectively and increase your chances of success. Our tutors have helped students get into Manchester Grammar, King Edwards VI, City of London School, Dulwich College and more!


Preparing for the 11+ exam is a difficult task that needs dedication, planning and commitment.

It’s important to remember that each student is different, and the amount of time it takes to prepare for the 11+ exam will vary depending on the individual student’s circumstances, such as their current academic level. However, by understanding these factors, parents and students can make an informed decision about how they should approach their 11+ preparation and set realistic expectations.

In addition, parents and students should also be aware of the benefits of hiring an 11+ tutor with a track record of securing places in competitive selective schools. Tutors can provide advice and support throughout 11+ preparation and this can make the process easier and less stressful. With the right approach and dedication, it is possible for students to achieve success in their 11+ exam and get a place in the school of their choice.