What’s the difference between AQA and Edexcel?

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What’s the difference between AQA and Edexcel?

Administration / 15 Aug, 2023


The education system relies heavily on standardised assessments to evaluate student knowledge and skills. Two of the main exam boards, AQA (Assessment and Qualifications Alliance) and Edexcel, play a significant role in conducting these examinations. While both boards have a shared goal of assessing students, there are distinct differences between AQA and Edexcel in terms of ownership, exam offerings, assessment methods, syllabus and curriculum, grading systems, and teacher support. So then, what’s the difference between AQA and Edexcel?

Background of AQA & Edexcel

Firstly, it is essential to understand the background and history of both exam boards. AQA was established in 2000 as an independent non-profit organisation, following the merger of three exam boards: the Assessment and Testing Council, the Northern Examinations and Assessment Board, and the Southern Examining Group. On the other hand, Edexcel, formerly known as the London Examinations Board, has a longer history, dating back to the mid-19th century. Edexcel is currently owned by Pearson, a multinational publishing and education company.

Ownership and structure also set AQA and Edexcel apart. AQA operates as an independent organisation with a board of trustees, consisting of representatives from various educational backgrounds. It is accountable to regulators, such as Ofqual (Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation), ensuring fairness and quality in assessments. In contrast, Edexcel is part of the Pearson Group, which provides a wider range of educational services beyond exams.

AQA vs Edexcel exams

The exam offerings of AQA and Edexcel differ in terms of subjects, levels, and vocational qualifications. AQA offers a broad spectrum of subjects, including sciences, humanities, arts, and languages, for both General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) and Advanced Level (A-level) qualifications. Edexcel, similarly, provides a wide range of subjects at the GCSE and A-level levels. However, it also offers vocational qualifications such as BTECs (Business and Technology Education Council) and NVQs (National Vocational Qualifications), allowing students to pursue more specialised career pathways.

When it comes to assessment methods, AQA and Edexcel employ different approaches. AQA places emphasis on coursework and practical examinations, in addition to written examinations. This allows students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills through a variety of assessment formats. In contrast, Edexcel predominantly uses written examinations, with some subjects incorporating coursework and practical components. The weighting and format of assessments may vary between the two exam boards.

How does the syllabus/specification differ?

Syllabus and curriculum requirements also differ between AQA and Edexcel. While both boards cover similar topics, there may be variations in the depth of study and approaches to assessment objectives. Teachers and students need to be aware of these differences when preparing for exams, as the content and emphasis may vary. There is a fair overlap between the content of both but also certain topics may be covered in one exam board and not the other.

Grade Boundaries – AQA vs Edexcel

Grading systems also set AQA and Edexcel apart. Each exam board has its own grade boundaries, grade descriptors, and grading scales. While the overall grade structure is similar e.g both award grades 1-9, there may be subtle variations in the criteria for each grade.


In conclusion, the difference between AQA and Edexcel isn’t black and white. AQA and Edexcel are two similar exam boards each with their own unique characteristics. While AQA operates as an independent organisation, Edexcel is owned by Pearson. The exam offerings, assessment methods, syllabus and curriculum, grading systems, and teacher support differ between the two boards. Understanding these differences is crucial for students, teachers, and educational institutions to make informed decisions.

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