How to Manage Stress as a Teen in 2024

Student Blogs

How to Manage Stress as a Teen in 2024

Administration / 15 Aug, 2023

Overview of How to Manage Stress

We know that school can be very stressful for young students in 2024. Studying and getting great grades doesn’t have to be stressful so here are simple methods on how to manage stress as a teen from our GCSE tutors.

Working all day can be quite tiring and draining so always make sure to take a 5-10 minute break every hour or when you start losing attention you can listen to music or have a stretch, however it’s best to stay off your phone so you don’t lose your workflow. At the end of the day make sure to treat yourself by doing something you enjoy such as watching a tv series, a hobby or treating yourself to something delicious.

Time & Stress Management

It’s important to effectively plan your day and set goals for each day, such as which subjects you’ll focus on or and in which order you’ll do your everyday activities. That helps make things more organised, figure out what suits you the best and make things more achievable.

Practising good time management can allow you to take charge of your day. Time is unfortunately limited, it’s best to make sure to prioritise some tasks over others, controlling how much time you put into a single activity. This helps use every moment efficiently, without wasting much time figuring out what you will be focusing on today.

Meditate and Breathe – Underrated Stress Management Tool

Practising mindfulness can really elevate your ability to study. Mindfulness is when we are aware of our own thoughts, feelings and our surroundings, it’s the ability to listen to ourselves and our environment while living in the moment and appreciating it. One of the best ways to practise it is called “mindful breathing”. When you feel overwhelmed, sit down comfortably, close your eyes, breathe in through your nose to the count of four. Hold the breath to the count of seven. Exhale through your mouth to the count of eight.

You’ll feel the negative feelings leaving your body through your breath and should feel much calmer and ready to learn.

Sleep is NOT for the Wicked – It’s for Everyone

Having a good sleep schedule is essential to a healthy mind. You might have heard this one many times but it’s crucial for proper growth and development. A good sleep schedule boosts your energy and mood, and helps relieve stress. It is not only important to sleep early but ensure you get enough sleep too. As a teen you are still growing and a lot of your energy goes towards just helping you physically grow so ensure you are well rested so you can turkey seize your day.

Relating to the previous tip, having a proper, healthy and balanced diet and good nutrition boosts your health and energy which will ultimately help your focus, comprehension and memory, so don’t forget to eat and eat well.

Exercising and Going Out in 2024

Alongside good sleep and diet, another essential tip is to exercise daily. Exercise improves your ability to do everyday activities and has tons of other benefits such as stress relief and general benefits to your health and mental wellbeing. Try exercising after sitting for long periods of time, a simple jog on the spot can spike your energy and attention levels.

Spending time with your friends can help relieve massive amounts of stress. Don’t forget about your social life in 2024. Try to make time for your friends and family to hang out and unwind and do the things you enjoy. It can be easy to get swept up in the motion of things but try to deal with problems as they arise, instead of anticipating the worst which will only heighten your anxiety.

On the flip side, ignoring issues for too long can make the situation worse so make sure to fix things as soon as you can. If it takes 5 minutes or less to do, just do it now, such as picking that thing up off the floor or tidying your bed. It means one less thing to worry about later.

Coping with Stress – You’re not alone

We all feel overwhelmed sometimes be it from school or work so don’t forget to ask for help when you feel overwhelmed and lost. Take advantage of your support systems at school and at home. Hopefully, now you know a bit more about how to manage stress.

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