GCSE Chemistry

GCSE Chemistry

Jayden Heppenstall

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What you will learn

  • GCSE Chemistry

Through these lessons we will review tricky aspects of the course tailored to each student's strengths alongside exam questions to practice the style and consolidate learning.
The course will be adapted and designed to meet the individual's needs - from content to workload, revision resources to learning style, every aspect will be carefully curated to meet the student where they are, and guide them through their best path.

I strongly believe in creating a safe environment for students, one where they can be comfortable to make mistakes, and to learn, and one that best sets them up to gain the confidence in themselves essential not only for exams, but later life. This also allows students to ask questions as needed, and push their own learning through this.

As a Physics undergraduate I did gain good exam results, however realise all students have a different experience through school, and always try to understand each student and how they work best, finding many different ways to explain and understand concepts. Through just over a year of both voluntary and paid experience I have gained insight into many different ways of working, and no two have been the same, meaning no two lessons have either! Through this I have also gained additional experience working with students with other needs arising from things such as neurodivergence and dyslexia, adding to my own personal experience managing this throughout education.
What I can promise in each lesson, however, will be engaging ways of working through content, and alongside encouraging and making full use of the interactivity of the platform as much as the student is comfortable.

Chemistry can be a tricky course, but I hope to simplify and aid in this content, or simply give that bit of guidance through queries and questions to help your student to achieve their best possible result with confidence!

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This Course Includes
  • 0 Video Lectures
  • 0 Quizzes
  • 0 Assignments
  • 0 Downloadable Resources